
From rLab

Metabo HC260 Planer-Thicknesser

This tool requires induction
Owing to it's dangerous nature, delicate nature, or expense, this tool requires that you be inducted on it's proper handling before use.


Metabo HC260 Planer-Thicknesser

The Metabo HC260 has been sold and replaced with the Axminster AT260SPT

The manual for the planer/thicknesser is here. The Planer-Thicknesser requires induction. This tool is not owned by rLab, it is on long-term loan from some of our members

Current Status[edit]

Date Status Comment
26th May 2021 Disposed of The Metabo Planner/Thicknesser has been sold

Planned Upgrades[edit]

Parts and upgrades that are planned/Budgeted/Purchased for in the near future

Metabo HC260 Planer-Thicknesser[edit]


The following people are able to provide inductions on the Record planer-thicknesser

Name/Contact Notes


These are the people who look after and repair the Record planer-thicknesser, they're the ones to contact if there's any problems with it

Name Notes

Recent Changes[edit]

If you make any non-trivial changes to the Metabo planer-thicknesser or perform maintenance please note it here, delete records older than 1 yr

  • New castors fitted to cart. Stever (talk) 16:10, 17 January 2019 (UTC)
  • Blades cannot be adjusted correctly so new ones are on order - Luke