About this wiki

From rLab

The rLab wiki was originally created to help collect together the information for all the inductions on our tools but is now also being used to host a variety of information about rLab, our tools and equipment and our people as well as functioning as our main internet presence until the website can be brought back.

About the wiki hardware and software[edit]

The Wiki Server

This wiki is currently being run on a Raspberry Pi 4 model B that's located in the server cupboard in the main room. It's running Apache2 and WikiMedia 1.42.1 (1064d5f) and is administered by Steve and Rupert. Regular off-site backups are made of the content of the wiki. If you're a member of rLab and you'd like to contribute to the wiki then please check out how to get an account.


Total Number of Pages 4,857
Total Number of Files Uploaded 4,636
Total Number of edits performed by all users 9,233
Total Number of Users 53