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Tools/laser: Difference between revisions

3,608 bytes added ,  5 years ago
Migrate old content, needs a lot of work
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(Migrate old content, needs a lot of work)
Line 17:
| 10th September 2018 || Functional
== Old wiki content ==
These notes are not sufficient to use the laser safely; please ask on the mailing list for introductory training.
mikethebee video - my own reminder of how to use the lasercutter note that this video shows the automatic z adjustment that is no longer available, z setting is now done manually
The machine is now limited by the controller to 70% power which is just over 25mA. This means the current dial can be left set all the way to the top for consistent output. Any power level set in RDWorks > 70% will just get reduced to 70% rather than scalled by the controller.
Checklist - Startup:
1) Water Chiller ON ***
2) Power ON (green round button) on front panel
3) 4 Switches on side (only switch laser on whilst editing in RDWORKS 7)
   
water should alarm if low, if alarm sounds, check the water level gauge on rear of chiller unit. Top up with de-ionised water only
ignore button image on switches - press upper part of button for 'on' position'*
Laser Default Position:
Press home, then press top arrow and enter (laser head will move to default far top right)
Lift lid, place sheet on laser bed
Reset arrows to position probe over top right of sheet, head over gap in slat.There is a slim black finger behind the laser head which actually sets the height. Make sure that is over your material as well.
Thickness 10 /15mm?
‘Menu>Func>Autofocus’, enter ----- be ready on emergency stop (ES)
Turn on Rdworks 7 (free) - (Please note if downloading software at home, untick ‘enable feeding’)
Put usb stick in left side dangly wire, if applicable.
Laser has output default 60% max power limiter
Import file, 'dxf' or 'ai' (from Illustrator and other graphic apps)
For Example:
Autocad save as R12 dxf
Inkscape (0.48) outputs DXF R14
or draw in Rdworks 7
Please note if possible it is useful to layer these effectively in the cad package to save time in Rdworks at rlab.
Colours are layers, select cut, dot or scan (used for engraving) or none (no cut mode)
Double click for options menu, edit…
Layer parameters, 'local parameters from library' has various settings for different materials - acrylic etc. - good starting point for parameters. Load selected, Do a test cut (optional), edit parameters if need be.
Open close delayed - cooldown between 'layers' - PLEASE EDIT THIS NOTE
‘Handle>cut optimise’
Reorders cuts, eg. 'Element 1', Element 2' etc.
Set out properties
If you want to do multiple cuts of same object, you can 'array' these and also add gaps in between the objects to avoid any overlaps
Path optimised* unticked - do not use
‘Go scale’ - check area of 'cut'
Ready to cut
Turn the other switches on, eg. fan, light, etc.
Warning: Do not look through the gap between the laser lid and the bed **
Press 'start' - make sure it is running okay, get ready to press ES if need be.
Once job is complete
Leave it shut until fumes gone.
Lift lid, remove work.
Turn off the switches and rdworks and take your usb out!
Clean the laser bed if need be with the vacuum adjacent to the laser, as small piece could burn onto the next project.
The controller is [1].
The output to turn on the laser power supply is a 0-3.6 V and the shortest pulse is 270 us
reset tube height
If the head has been crashed the red-dot will be misaligned and the cutting speeds and line width will be severally affected. Double check that the z-probe looks intact, then re-home the Z. Then ensure that the bottom of the tube is 6.3mm (helpful bit of MDF) off the workpiece.
== Planned Upgrades ==
Parts and upgrades that are planned/Budgeted/Purchased for in the near future
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