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== What is safeguarding ? ==
Safeguarding is the action that is taken to protect the health, well-being and human rights if individuals, which allows people - especially children, young people and vulnerable adults, to live free from abuse, harm and neglect
== rLab Guiding Principles on Safeguarding ==
The members of rLab are committed to making rLab an inclusive and safe space for both members and visitors, including children,young adults and vulnerable adults.
== rLab member responsibilities and code of conduct on safeguarding ==
Members should not tolerate harassment of individuals or discriminatory behavior of any form.
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If you are being harassed or witness a breach of this code of conduct, please contact the rLab safeguarding team. All reports will be treated in accordance with the confidentially statement below, and will be examined seriously.
== rLab Safeguarding Team ==
The team are:
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The team comprises members who have volunteered for this role, and their appointment on behalf of rLab will be confirmed at the next quarterly meeting of rLab. The team are the first point of contact for all incidents and questions relating to safeguarding at rLab. They have direct access to the directors of Reading Makerspace Ltd, external authorities, and trained external professionals. They will also be undertaking training to see how might improve our actions on safeguarding.
== Confidentiality ==
Members, the rLab Safguarding Team, and the officers of Reading Makerspace Ltd, have the responsibility to share relevant information about protection with other professionals, particularly investigative agencies and social services.
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Staff should assure the adult that they will keep them informed of any action to be taken and why. The adult’s or child’s involvement in the process of sharing information should be fully considered and their wishes and feelings taken into account.
== Event Considerations ==
If you're planning a workshop, hack day or other event, you must assess and include a section on safeguarding in your risk assessment. Ensure to include who is the point of contact(s) should an issue arrive and steps for mediation. Please ensure that your guests are read this as well as any other pertinent information. The general policy outlined above can be used in most cases. Please consider the boundaries of activities which are "regulated activities" and described in appendices A,B, and C of this document Safeguarding for Volunteer organisations If in doubt contact the rLab safeguarding team.
== Risk Assessment ==
Day to day operational activities at rLab (Reading Hackspace) do not allow members to have unaccompanied contact with children, young people or vulnerable adults. Children are only allowed in rLab if accompanied at all times by a parent or guardian. Vulnerable adults must be accompanied by a qualified carer. Internal and external events are subject to individual risk assessments and may require specific controls to avoid or manage the risks related to children and vulnerable adults. This safeguarding policy and process is in place to support those assessments and controls. This policy is considered to be proportionate to the risk and give an acceptable risk rating. Ryan White 19th April 2016 Robot army (talk) 21:29, 19 April 2016 (BST)
== Meta - Policy about this policy ==
The local safeguarding board is a body which exists to 'prevent abuse occuring and to stop it when it happens'. If you suspect a potential failure of this safeguarding policy which is not addressed adequately by the safeguarding team, directors of Reading Maker Space Ltd., or other members , the local safeguarding boards can be contacted at http://www.reading.gov.uk/adultabuse for vulnerable adults, or http://www.readinglscb.org.uk/ for children.
== Context - Vulnerable adults ==
For the purpose of this document ‘adult’ means a person aged 18 years or over.
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For purposes of ensuring consistent and widely understood terminology, this policy and procedure will use the phrase ‘Vulnerable Adults’ to identify those eligible for interventions within the procedures.
== Context – Children and young people ==
For the purpose of this document a child is defined as a person under the age of 18 [The Children’s Act 1989].
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== Context - What is abuse? ==
Abuse is a violation of an individual’s human and civil rights by any other person or persons.
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