Projector & Screen

Introduction edit

The projector
The projector ID plate

A Mitsubishi HC1100 DLP video projector and screen,mounted in the ceiling of the main room, upstairs in the lab. The projector has VGA and HDMI inputs, with cables routed to the pillar next to Design Station 2.

A manual for the projector can be found here

We have a third-party replacement remote control for the projector. This will allow you to power on and off, select the input source, and make adjustments via the menus, however it may not function exactly as the manual describes.

To preserve the life of the projector bulb, always ensure it is switched off again after use and allow the fan to cool the unit before switching off at the mains supply.

A powered screen is mounted above the whiteboard. Please resist the temptation to write on the screen instead of the whiteboard... The screen is controlled with the attached hand-held controller to raise and lower it.

Current Status edit

Date Status Comment
4th October 2018 Functional Working properly

Planned Upgrades edit

Parts and upgrades that are planned/Budgeted/Purchased for in the near future

  • None planned

Projector Caretakers edit

Maintainers edit

These are the people who look after and repair the projector, they're the ones to contact if there's any problems with it

Name Notes

Recent Changes edit

If you make any non-trivial changes to the projector or perform maintenance please note it here, delete records older than 1 yr

  • Get remote control - JMF