
8" Polishing and Buffing Wheel

Introduction edit

8" Polishing/Buffing Wheel

The 8" Polishing and Buffing wheel is fitting with a scotchbrite medium wheel on the left for rapid cleaning and de-burring of metal and a Cloth wheel on the right hand side with fine polishing compound.

It should be noted that polishing wheels are relatively high risk tools if used incorrectly so please don't use this tool unless you have had some training (here or elsewhere) in how to use them safely; We have an optional induction available if you've not had prior training on polishing wheels

Current Status edit

Date Status Comment
22nd November 2020 Fully functional New selection of wheels provided

The Scotchbrite wheel on the left is ideal for relatively fast cleaning and removal of metals. It's best suited for use on ferrous metals although it will be reasonably effective on cuperous. It is not recommended for use on aluminium.

A stock of wheels of different grades is kept in a box behind the polisher but please ensure you know how to use them properly before attempting to change a wheel. New wheels are usually ordered from Heritage Abrasives, but they have a large minimum order quantity so it's a good idea to ask around and try to do combined orders.

Wheel Type Polish Type
Scotchbrite NONE!
Hard Sisal Wheel Grey "Medium Greasy"
2" Tight stitched wheel Blue "Stainless" compound
1" Tight stitched wheel Pink Compound
Loose leaf mop White Compound

Planned Upgrades edit

Parts and upgrades that are planned/Budgeted/Purchased for in the near future

  • None planned

Maintainers edit

These are the people who look after and repair the polishing wheel, they're the ones to contact if there's any problems with it

Name Notes

Recent Changes edit

If you make any non-trivial changes to the Polishing wheels or perform maintenance please note them here, delete records older than 1 yr

  • Fit "enhanced durability" scotchbrite wheel. If this one doesn't last better we may give up on scotchbrite wheels completely Stever (talk) 22:53, 30 December 2021 (UTC)
  • Fit safety NVR switch Stever (talk) 19:28, 1 June 2021 (BST)