Laguna A12 Air cleaner

Introduction edit

Laguna A12 Air cleaner

The Air cleaner is used to help reduce the levels of dust in the hackspace since that's always an issue. It should be used whenever anything that could possibly make dust is happening but really it uses so little electricity that we don't mind if it's left running for long periods. The remote control is kept by the door to the workshop and the unit is slung under the main support beam above the workbenches. The remote will turn the air cleaner on and off, set the power and set the timer. Power setting "Low" is recommended as it can be used like that for prolonged periods, higher settings are used if there is a lot of dust in the air. Feel free to leave the cleaner running on timer mode when you leave the hackspace to remove some of the dust from the air after you leave.

The air cleaner has 2 filters, a washable outer filter that is retained by a ridge at the bottom of the unit, and a much finer internal bag filter. The outer filter can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or washed under the tap if it's especially dirty and this should be done any time the airflow gauge on the side shows the filter is clogged. The inner bag filter is not cleanable and should be replaced when it starts to fill up, spare filters are kept in the drawer under the rear workshop stairs but are rather expensive and should be used sparingly.

Current Status edit

Date Status Comment
19th October 2021 Fully Funtional

Planned Upgrades edit

Parts and upgrades that are planned/Budgeted/Purchased for in the near future

  • Connect to fused-spur and possibly create automatic start control

Laguna A12 Air cleaner Caretakers edit

Maintainers edit

These are the people who look after and repair the Laguna A12 Air cleaner, they're the ones to contact if there's any problems with it

Name Notes

Recent Changes edit

If you make any non-trivial changes to the Laguna A12 Air cleaner or perform maintenance please note it here, delete records older than 1 yr

  • Modify old JET type filters to fit into Laguna unit Stever (talk) 16:36, 10 January 2022 (UTC)