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The text of the document, correct at 20/11/23 reproduced below:
'''==Reading Maker Space Ltd Framework Document==
Version 1.0
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First issue following 14 day consultation on Discord
=== 1. Relationship between Reading Hackspace and Reading Maker Space Ltd. ===
1.1. Reading Hackspace, also known as rLab, (referred to here as the “Hackspace”) is an unincorporated, member-owned and member-controlled, not-for-profit organisation.
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1.5. No other party has any standing in the relationship between the Hackspace and the Company.
===2. Responsibilities of the Company and its Directors===
2.1. Reading Maker Space Ltd., as an incorporated company, has legal personality and is recognised in law as being distinct from the Hackspace and the individuals that act as Directors of the Company. Unlike the Hackspace (which is unincorporated) it is able to enter into legally binding agreements and contracts.
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2.5. The Company is responsible for maintaining and making available the Schedule as an up-to-date record of the responsibilities carried by the Company on behalf of the Hackspace.
===3. Expectations of Directors’ and members’ with respect to each other===
3.1. Each Director shall take reasonable steps to engage with a broad range of Hackspace members to ensure that they (the Directors) have a good understanding of the collective needs and desires of the membership.
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3.9. In lieu of completion of that work, the Directors are afforded the power to immediately suspend a member, or members, of the Hackspace if deemed necessary to preserve the safety and/or well-being of other members.
===4. Delegation of tasks===
4.1. Directors of the Company may seek assistance from members of the Hackspace or other parties in fulfilling their responsibilities, but in doing so they shall remain accountable for satisfactory completion of those tasks in accordance with any applicable laws and regulations.
===5. Ownership and disposal of assets===
5.1. Ownership of any items purchased with Hackspace funds, and any registered trademarks associated with the Hackspace, is vested in the Company. The Directors shall maintain a register of significant assets.
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===6. Instructions to the Company regarding management of finances===
6.1. The Company shall fulfil its responsibilities in a financially prudent manner, balancing the long and short term interests of the Hackspace.
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===7. Election of Directors===
7.1. Between three and seven members of the Hackspace will serve as Directors of the Company at any one time. The number of Director’s seats that are open for election at any time shall be determined by the Directors of the Company in consultation with the Hackspace membership.
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7.9. The Directors of the Company shall then arrange for the appointment of the successful candidates and confirm to the membership when they have done so.
===8. Recall of Directors===
8.1. The membership of the Hackspace may petition the Company to hold a recall ballot on the removal of one or more Directors from the Company on the basis of loss of confidence. Such a request should state the reasons for the loss in confidence and be submitted with the verifiable support of not less than 15% of the Hackspace membership.
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8.10. A Director shall not be subject to a recall petition more than once in any 6 month period.
===9. Dissolution===
9.1. In the event of the Hackspace becoming financially or otherwise unsustainable, the membership may order the dissolution of the Company by a majority vote of the members of the Hackspace.
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9.3. Any residual funds after the winding up of the Company shall be distributed equally, on a one share per member basis, between the members of the Company. Any unclaimed funds, and any residual assets, after a one month period will be offered to the geographically-nearest, not-for-profit hackspace communities in ascending order of crow’s-flight proximity to the address from which they operate.
==Schedule I. Responsibilities of Reading Makerspace Ltd. to Reading Hackspace==
The Company shall:
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2. administer finances in accordance with the instructions set out in section 6 of this document, and in doing so:
:a. act in accordance with policies agreed with the Hackspace membership;
:b. report quarterly to the Hackspace membership on the state of the finances including:
::i. income by source, and expenditure by category, on a monthly basis;
::ii. the balance of any accounts held in the Company name; and
::iii. an estimate of the required reserve, balance of the current reserve, with a six-month forecast of the prospects for the reserve on the basis of trends in income and expenditure.
:c. report, without delay, any breaches of policies;
:d. file accounts in a timely fashion and in accordance with UK companies law.
3. provide the membership with a summary of discussion and actions arising from RMS Ltd. board meetings
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4. act as a contracting entity on behalf of the Hackspace as requested, including, but not exclusively, for:
:a. The rental of property
:b. The supply of energy and water
:c. The disposal of waste
:d. The insurance of the Hackspace premises, its contents, and the liabilities of the Directors in their actions on behalf of the Company
:e. Any other reasonable operational costs required by the Company to carry out its duties including but not limited to software subscriptions and professional services.
5. ensure that purchasing decisions pay regard to the environmental impact of the production, use and disposal of the purchased items and/or services
