Hackspaceinduction: Difference between revisions

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* We do not employ anybody. The directors do not take any money out of the business.
* Everything that happens here is as a result of effort on the part of volunteers - people who do what they do for the love of making and seeing other members achieve their goals
* As such you need to be reasonable in your expectations of what you can expect. Inductions happen, and tools get fixed, in the time that people can spare
* We do not, for instance, employ cleaners.
* It is important that you clean up after yourself, ideally leaving your workspace in a better condition than you found it
* If you do not clean up after yourself, other members will call you out on it – and you should do the same
* Cleanliness is a Health and Safety issue. If we have a build-up of dust, or rubbish on the floor, it creates a hazard – a fire hazard and a slip hazard
* Please be conscious of the fact that some of our members have hidden disabilities eg.. partial sightedness, and therefore if you leave things on the floor they might trip. Similarly, if you drop screws and nails on the floor downstairs, please try and find them and pick them up because we also have members who are wheelchair users.
* SoPlease play your part in keeping the place clean
* Fundamentally we are a community. We share not just this building and the tools inside, but also our knowledge and skills
* This place is at its buzziest when people are sharing what they know whether that's informally or by running inductions or workshops
* Our members are drawn from a wide range of backgrounds – engineers, designers, IT specialists, teachers – and as a group we are incredibly knowledgeable
* As you walked in this evening you came in with your own unique set of life experiences and knowledge - please share that with other members. Show an interest in what they are doing - you will find other members will quickly show an interest in what you are doing.
* As a member you will learn a lot, please play your part in sharing what you learn with other members
* A lot of the communication between the group happens on our Google Groups [https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/reading-hackspace mailing list]
* Please be aware that it is an open mailing list that can be read by anyone on the internet (strangely, whilst we have only ~180 members, there are nearly a 1000 people who follow the group)
* As you will find with any 1000-strong cross-section of society, there are a couple of contributors who can come across as a bit 'troll'-like. Please try not to take offence, and give people the benefit of any doubt you have about their intent when reading their messages. More often than not, people are not setting out to be rude or disrespectful.
* It is generally a well-mannered group, though we occasionally have our disagreements. They tend to calm down as quickly as they flare up. Please think about how your message might come across before posting and despite it's sometimes contentious debates you'll miss out on a lot of the more interesting stuff that happens at the lab if you're not on there.
* Your first post will be moderated by one of the directors – after which you will be able to post freely.
