Hackspaceinduction: Difference between revisions

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== Sign-up ==
[GG to edit]
* Before taking your details with an online form, we ask you to read this page on our wiki. Much of this I have already said, but I’d be grateful if you could read it and confirm that you understand it before we sign you up
* [The sign-up page is here. You may need to click past warnings as the https certificate has expired. You will need a laptop with a webcam]
* [GDPR - we collect the vast majority of this data (everything except gender] on the legal basis that we consider it to be in our legitimate interest. We have a privacy impact assessment if you would like to read it. We collect gender with your consent. We use the data for diversity monitoring]
* [The sign-up page is here. You may need to click past warnings as the https certificate has expired. You will need a laptop with a webcam]
* Your details will be encrypted and stored securely by the directors.
* Please ensure that you put the right details in the right fields
* [Tap card on reader with focus in right field]
* [Photo ID]
* [If necessary, show them how to take a picture. Ask for photo ID with address on it – check against details entered. Check email address is sensible. Get card from drawer. Select correct card ID from drop down list. Cross fingers, press submit button. You should get a thank you pop-up]
* [GG If they volunteer that they have previously had a different name, ask if content to store as a secure note, and if yes, add as a note afterwards]
* [Take their picture and upload afterwards]
* [Take member to front door. Brace door open against your foot. In quick succession, place your card, their card, and then your card against the reading zone. Test their card has been activated by putting it in zone again]
